Video Your Next Event or Conference!

Raleigh Video Production: Have Your Next Event Filmed! Does your business ever host an event or conference? If so, you’ve got a great opportunity for video content. Videoing your next conference or event is a great way to show your potential clients what you can do for them. We all know how important it is […]

Video Statistics and What They Mean to You

Video Production in Raleigh Can Be Beneficial For Your Business! Welcome back. In our last post, TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh began discussing video marketing statistics and what they mean to those that can benefit from them. Today, we are going to continue listing more statistics. Statistics | Video Production Raleigh 65% of video […]

Grabbing the Attention of Viewers

Raleigh Video Production | Getting Right to the Point Video length matters when it comes to marketing on the web. Our Raleigh video production team has been discussing various ways to make sure you grab the attention of your viewer as quickly as possible. Take a look back at a few of those blog posts here: Enhancing Quality, Raleigh […]

Top Video Statistics for 2015

Videos are a huge part of our lives in today’s time. Everyone stops to see one on social media; we can all make home videos, right on our smartphones. Below, you’ll find the top 15 video statistics for 2015 that show just how much video affects our lives now. Video Statistics | Raleigh Video Production  […]

Video Marketing Works! Part 3

Marketing | Raleigh Video Production Video marketing expands your business’s reach for finding new, potential consumers. It also helps sell products and services to existing customers, as well. Videos tell a story. They showcase experience, expertise and command attention. Once you have their attention, it’s important to make sure your videos offer a wide variety […]

TV Data Trends

Are you interested in learning about TV commercial production or video production in Raleigh NC? If so, you’ll find the following information useful. There are trends in TV commercials, just as there are in other types of industries like building, remodeling, designing and more. You’ll be interested to learn about the following information, below! According […]

Graphic Design Tips to Consider

Are you getting ready to revamp your website, company brand and other aspects of your marketing strategy? If so, you might want to consider what Raleigh graphic design can do for your overall brand. It’s an important part of who you are, as a company and how customers perceive you. Below, you’ll find several tips […]


“I can’t recommend TigerHive highly enough. They are able to take whatever idea you have in your head or whatever dream or vision you may have and actually make it a reality and make it be what you want it to be.”   – Adrienne Harrington, MorphCase  

Promo Video | Pearson Education “The Environment and You”

Promotional Video for the Pearson Education textbook: “The Environment and You” by Norm Christensen. “Blaming humans for the magnitude and complexity of environmental challenges can leave students feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Author Norm Christensen offers a fresh alternative by placing an emphasis on problem solving and scalable solutions by empowering students to make more informed […]

GHBC Student Ministries Informational Handout Design

Good Hope Baptist Church (GHBC) is a special client of ours. We work closely with the good people at the Church on all their projects and graphic design, videography, website and printing needs. The projects range from designing and printing business cards and small hand-outs to developing branding and logos for adult and children events. […]

Website Design for

The website we developed for Dulcimer Dan & The Blue Skies Band is an excellent example of taking content from an old out dated site and developing a new edgy design with alternative links to videos and purchase links for each CD on a variety of media sites. We really enjoyed working with Dan on […]

The Importance of Graphic Design in Social Media

A look at design and social media from our Raleigh graphic design team! Social media has exploded over the past couple of years. It’s especially become an influential part of marketing for businesses. Consumers using social media are blasted with tweets, “likes”, and texts on the internet and mobile devices. The need to read or […]

MorphCase HERO Promo Video Production | Raleigh, NC

Adrienne Harrington from Dexterity LLC came to us for some design needs having to do with a top secret product she was developing for market. We love the idea and we instantly recognized the potential for this project to make it big. We were happy to be a part of this project and collaborate with […]

Mistakes to Avoid During Corporate Video Production

Raleigh Video Production: Avoid these mistakes when making a video for your business! Producing a company video is a marketing must for 2014. Videos are engaging and they target your audience. It’s a great way to get your message across while incorporating your brand and making your business appealing to consumers. Though Raleigh video production is […]

Magazine Layout Design for Turtle Cove

Magazine Layout Design for Turtle Cove Hotel and Resort in the Turks & Caicos Islands of the Caribbean. Turtle Cove is a resort located in the Turks and Caicos Islands and is home to some of the most beautiful Caribbean waters and beaches. We are asked to put together a 50 page layout design to […]

How to Pitch the Idea of Video Marketing to Your Company

Raleigh NC Video Production: Pitching Video Marketing to Your Company Having trouble convincing your business partner, boss, or marketing team that online video marketing is worth your time? TigerHive Creative Group, Raleigh NC video production, is here to help you do the convincing. Below, you’ll find several great reasons you can present to “sell” them […]

Online Videos: Bigger and Better in 2014!

Raleigh Video Production Takes a Look at The Progression of Online Videos It was predicted in 2013 that video marketing would only get bigger and better in 2014. 2013 paved the way for online videos and once they started climbing the popularity charts, they never looked back! At this point, over halfway into 2014, online […]

2015 Web Design Trends

2015 Raleigh Web Design Trends With 2014 coming to an end in just two months, it’s time to take a look at 2015 Raleigh web design trends! While nothing’s ever completely written in stone, it is obvious what trends are working, popular, and will continue to grow in popularity throughout the coming year. Some of […]

After Effects Basics

Adobe After Effects is a great way for Raleigh video production teams to create visual effects and motion graphics within a video they’ve filmed.. In addition, it’s great for adding audio clips, still images and other layer-based animation, as well. In addition to videographers, graphic designers also use After Effects. In our blog post today, […]

Video Production Tips for Small Businesses Part 2

Have you been thinking of new ways to market your business? If so, the process of deciding what method to use can be difficult and stressful. You want to choose a strategy that works, sticks within a budget and shows results. That’s why video marketing might be just the ticket for your business! It’s a […]

More Event Videography Mistakes to Avoid

Welcome back! We are here to talk more about event video production in Raleigh NC and how sometimes mistakes are made. These mistakes are easily avoided if you know what to steer clear from and our experts are here to help! We talked about other mistakes that can be avoided in our previous blog posts […]

Graphic Design Career Options

Are you thinking of entering into college with the idea of becoming a Raleigh graphic design student? If so, you’ll find that you have tons of options in this field! In our last blog post we talked about job outlook and the daily tasks of a graphic designer. Today we are going to focus on […]