More Audio Tips

Video Production in Raleigh: Audio Tips That Help With Quality Sound

Welcome back! In our last post on video production in Raleigh, our team offered tips on how to get the best quality audio for your marketing video. Today, we will continue offering tips. Feel free to contact TigerHive Creative Group if you need any help capturing quality sound, or if you need help with filming.

Video Production Raleigh | Use Cue Cards

When you’re trying to tell your business story or sell a product via marketing video, be sure you know your script. If you can’t remember it all correctly, don’t be afraid to use cue cards for help. Write your script down on large cards and place them just below the camera lens. These cards will help you remember the script and stay on subject.

Use an External Microphone

Using an external mic can really help amplify the audio of a video, as well as help clearly record a subject’s voice without having to hold the camera too close. An external camera will also help eliminate background noises.

Get as Close to the Microphone as You Can

If you don’t have a detached mic to place somewhere on the subject of your video, be sure to have them sit as closely to the camera as possible, without it being unnaturally close. Use a wide angle lens to help get close enough without appearing too close.

Video Production Raleigh | Refrain From Zooming

Zoom is a great feature for some things. It’s not, however great for a marketing video. Using the zoom feature can cause the mic to pick up the sound of the zooming, as well as distort the audio altogether.

We have experts that do great video production in Raleigh and we want to help you plan and shoot the best marketing video possible for your business. Your business can greatly benefit from a quality marketing video or web video. Be sure to contact TigerHive Creative Group with questions about video production or call to make an appointment to start your video, soon!

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