Script Writing For Video Production Part 3

Are you ready to learn more about Raleigh video production and script writing? Below, we have several tips that will help you create the best video for marketing your business!


  • Animation should never be too fast. Action should be memorable.
  • If it runs across the screen at too fast a pace, it’s hard for the viewer to get excited about it.
  • Animation should flow naturally with the voice of the video; never any faster than that.


  • Goals for the video should be clear.
  • Scripts should flow well and explain what the company has to offer.
  • According to, “You want to engage your audience right off the bat, take them on a little journey that shows the richness of your products and services and leaves them wanting more. If you follow our advice and avoid the steps we outlined above, your video will do just that.”


  • Keep it as short as possible.
  • Most people’s attention span for online videos is about 90 seconds – 60-70 seconds is preferred.
  • According to, “A thought-out and well-paced visual-story balance can get all of your points across in that time or less. Well rounded is better than longer. Resist the temptation to keep extending the running time, and instead try refocusing on boiling down the main elements that you want in your video.”


  • A premeditated rundown of your company’s history won’t get people excited to watch.
  • Use a story about the product or idea you’re presenting.
  • Stick with what’s relevant to the core of the story you’d like to be told.
  • Don’t overdo it.


  • Loud, overwhelming music is a distraction.
  • It’s been proven that accent music is an asset to videos but, it’s important that the tunes used aren’t too loud or too overwhelming.
  • If the music takes the viewer’s attention away from the actual video and story, it’s not helpful.
  • Music should only enhance the emotional beat that drives the story.

As important as videos have become to a company’s success, it’s a good idea to contact our professional Raleigh video production team for help producing a marketing video for your business. If you’d like to speak with one of our experts, feel free to call or email us with any questions you might have!

TigerHive Creative Group | Raleigh Video Production

Raleigh video production is becoming more and more popular, as well as, more beneficial for businesses to take advantage of! The statistics don’t lie! We hope you enjoy reading our blogs with explanations on how/why video marketing can immensely help your business’s marketing efforts! For more info visit back with us, soon! Also, if you’re interested in getting started with your very own marketing video, be sure to contact us to schedule a consultation!


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