2014 Website Trends: A Final Look!

A final look at Raleigh website trends for 2014!

It’s time to take a final look at the last few Raleigh web design trends for 2014. We’ve learned about quite a few different trends over the past few posts, and it’s probably getting to be a bit confusing.  Below, you’ll find a quick recap list, along with links to all the different trends of 2014!

Now that we’ve refreshed your memory, it’s time to move forward and take a look at the final few Raleigh web design trends for 2014:

Category 6 – Navigation:

Large Buttons: Websites are starting to use large, effortlessly seen buttons. The bigger and bolder; the better! Are your buttons hard to see or find? If so, contact TigerHive Creative Group for help getting this issue fixed. The last thing you want is for your viewers to overlook your buttons.

Vertical Scrolling: We’ve talked about parallax scrolling in a few previous posts. It’s basically the same thing as vertical scrolling. To take a look at what parallax scrolling is, visit our blog post, here. Vertical scrolling is navigation that glues itself to the top of the page and is very user friendly. You can also have your social media sharing plugins glued to the side of a page

And there you go! The final few Raleigh web design trends for 2014. Are you thinking of redesigning your website after seeing all these awesome web design trends? We are! Sticking with web design trends are important. They’re ever changing and only make your web presence better for you and your users. Contact TigerHive Creative Group to share your web design ideas, as well as Raleigh video production thoughts! We’d love to work with you to create a website design that will WOW your viewers and customers!

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