A Look at Statistics Reinforce the Importance Of Video Presence for Your Website

Video Production Raleigh: Take advantage of having a video on your website!

A national survey conducted in July 2013 stated that the percent of American adult internet users who upload or post videos online has more than doubled in the past four years, from 14% in 2009 to 31% today.  This figure includes online adults who do at least one of the following:

Video Production Raleigh | Statistics

  • Upload a video to the internet so others can watch or download it—27% of adult internet users have done this.
  • Post videos to any website online that they, themselves, have taken or created
  • Younger adult internet users are twice as likely to post and share videos online than their older counterparts.
  • 41% of 18-29 year-old internet users and 36% of 30-49 year-old internet users post or share videos online, compared with 18% of internet users age 50 and older.
  • Online adults living in higher income households making an annual income of $75,000 or more, are more likely to post or share videos online when compared with those in households with annual incomes below $50,000.
  • 18% of adult internet users post videos they have created or recorded themselves, many are hoping their creations go viral.
  • Online adults who watch or download videos has also grown over the past four years, from 69% of adult internet users in 2009 to 78% today.
  • Watch videos on a video-sharing site like YouTube or Vimeo
  • 72% of adult internet users watch a video-sharing site like YouTube.

Video Production Raleigh: A Few More Statistics:

  • 71% of adults who post videos online do so on social networking sites.
  • 58% of adults who watch online videos do so on social networking sites.
  • 41% use their phones to watch video.
  • 40% use their phones to record video.
  • 20% use their phones to post videos online.
  • 23% of adults who post videos online do so using a mobile app such as Vine.
  • 17% of adults who watch videos online do so using a mobile app.

Our Raleigh video production team at TigerHive Creative Group wants to help you understand the importance of web videos for your business. Including a video on your website is more important than ever now. As you’ve read above, their popularity is growing every year. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to improve your business and increase traffic to your website by including a web video or advertisement.

Contact TigerHive Creative Group to talk with our experts about how you can join this ever growing trend. Our video production team can help you get started!

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