Benefits of Video Production

Did you know that the average American spent 14+ hours watching online videos in December, 2010? That’s equivalent to around 201 online videos! In January 2012, 182 million internet users accessed videos online. That averages to about 22 hours of video content viewing per each American.

While it might seem difficult to believe, videos are storming the internet world and helping business grow to successful, profitable levels, every day! That’s right! Videos are the new way to engage and attract customers! There are many benefits for those considering using videos as a part of their marketing tactics.

You might be wondering how you can take advantage of using videos to better your business and reach new customers. The first step is finding and working with a quality video production team in Raleigh. Without an expert video production team, you won’t be able to produce compelling, attractive videos that views want to see and learn more about.

Benefits of Video Production in Raleigh

  • engage customers
  • reach development goals
  • promote goods and services
  • share stories and testimonials that encourage potential customers
  • gain website traffic and users

TigerHive Creative Group has said it before in previous articles, but it’s worth saying again; storytelling is the key to successful marketing. Customers love a good story. The benefits to investing in video production will offer a great return, as you’ll be able to offer your new and current customers a way to really learn about and in engage in your business in a way that interests them!

According to, “However you choose to incorporate video into your content plan, you’ll want to show decision- makers results that justify time and dollars spent. The more positive results you share, the more likely you will be able to acquire larger budgets for future videos.”

If you’re ready to take advantage of video production in and all it has to offer your business, contact TigerHive Creative Group, today!

TigerHive Creative Group | Video Production Raleigh 

Video production in Raleigh is becoming more and more popular, as well as, more beneficial for businesses to take advantage of! The statistics don’t lie! We hope you enjoy reading our blogs with explanations on how/why video marketing can immensely help your business’s marketing efforts! For more info visit back with us, soon! If you’re ready to learn more, right now, take a look back at previous blog posts, below:

And remember, if you’re ready to start attracting more customers by the power of video marketing, contact TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh NC to get started, today!

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