Ipreo Leadership Summit 2017-Live Event Coverage
Flawless Live Event Coverage Did you know that we can do live events? We outfit your event with flawless audio, decor and videos. Whatever your live event needs are, we can help you. Take it from our client, Ipreo. Ipreo held a 3 day Leadership Summit at their Raleigh, NC office. This event was a […]
Top 3 Tips for Successful Video Conferencing
On Friday, February 10th, TigerHive Creative Group assisted the NC DBA with their Special Event: Coffee Chat with Senator Tillis. Although plans were to do this in person, an alternative solution was provided by doing the call via Skype. We utilize Skype, GoTo Meeting, WebEx and other web conferencing platforms to provide interactive high quality […]
Veterans Affairs Training Video
The Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health and Chaplaincy program, in collaboration with the Defense Centers of Excellence in Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE), were tasked with Strategic Action #23 of the Integrated Mental Health Strategy (IMHS) commissioned by the US Secretary of Defense in 2010 to study ways which might improve mental […]
How To Use Video To Market Your Business
Video Marketing is becoming increasingly more important across marketing channels all over the world and in Raleigh, North Carolina. Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, you name it, video is on it. Why is video so important to your marketing strategy? Good question. It’s not only important but imperative. Video allows you to get a lot of content […]
Skyping With Senator Tillis
“This is the most impressive video conferencing I have ever experienced.” -Senator Thom Tillis
BTS: Lightboard
John Costigan provides online and live sales training for his clients. He incorporates the Lightboard to train his clients’ sales force in a fun and interactive way. This allows John to customize his training based on his clients as well. Check out more on our Lightboard capabilities.
Funeral Video for Devin Arlo Seaverson
Memorial service funeral video of the January 14, 2017 service for Devin Arlo Seaverson. The following video player has been made private. If you would like access to this video, please contact the immediate family for an access code or contact Apex Funeral Home to assist in getting connected to the family for permission. Those with […]
Graphic Design Travel Management Partners
TMP’s desire was to own an integrated print and web toolkit that supports their entire brand. With that the designs needed to reflect the interior design of corporate headquarters as well. Our solutions provide a visual message that capture and express the unique formulas that TMP’s role plays out to their clients. Check out more […]
Community Resource Kit Overview
Serve your customers and prospects with 3 marketing tools that deliver high-level community information. Someone wants to know from you about quality of life in a community? You’ve got it. How about things to do… or healthcare… or education? With the Resource Kit tools, you deliver accurate information instantly! Become an instant expert, without having […]
BTS: Studio Setup
Behind the scenes look at the studio setup before filming.
Kickstarter Video Production Raleigh – ROCKT
Right On Cue Kids Theater began in 2013 as a non-profit, educational theater company that provides experience for upper elementary and middle school students in all facets of theater, and partners with local high school-age theater groups to provide leadership opportunities for older students interested in theater.
Morphcase – Crowd Source Fundraising Video
Adrienne Capps of Morphcase.com explains how the Morphcase revolutionizes VOIP on early generation iPod touch devices in this Kickstarter Video Production created in our TigerHive studio in Raleigh.
Good Hope Baptist Church
“I have always been impressed with the work of TigerHive. Their designs are creative and top-notch. I couldn’t imagine using another company for our design and printing needs. I look forward to many more years using TigerHive.” – Mike Sterlachini, Good Hope Baptist Church
Project Hope Raleigh
“There aren’t enough words to illustrate just how I feel about TigerHive and it’s staff. When I went to the owner, Keith Johnson for help and support on the start up of my non-profit ministry I couldn’t believe the generosity, love, and support that he and his Creative Director had for me. They were top-notch in wanting to jump […]
“I can’t recommend TigerHive highly enough. They are able to take whatever idea you have in your head or whatever dream or vision you may have and actually make it a reality and make it be what you want it to be.” – Adrienne Harrington, MorphCase
Hornet Landscaping
“As a new business owner I must share how impressed I am of the creative design and intuitiveness of the TigerHive team. Their services far out reached my expectations. Their total package service will no doubt put my business right where it needs to be. If you are looking for the right web design solution, look […]
BTS: Tire Shoot
A Behind the scenes look at filming a promo video for a tire shop.
Behind the scenes during an NFL shoot in New York.
BTS: Eric Decker
Behind the scenes look at filming New York Jets’s Wide receiver, Eric Decker.
BTS: New York
An aerial shot, on the way to New York to film with the NLF.
BTS: Diana McQueen
Behind the scenes look at filming for actress/model, Diana McQueen.