Website Videos Increase Traffic

Video Production Raleigh NC: Website Videos Increase Traffic

Website videos are basically videos that you upload onto your website so that viewers have an opportunity to see your product in action, service being demonstrated, or business’s story being told.

Video Production Raleigh NC | Increase Your Web Traffic

As we’ve mentioned in several previous posts, web videos and marketing videos alike are taking the business world by storm.  It’s been proven that more people are likely to watch a business’s video online, than they are to look at that same business’s Facebook page, Yellow Pages ad, or any other traditional marketing tool.

It’s also been proven that websites that include a video get significantly more traffic than those websites that don’t include one. In addition to increasing traffic, web videos also increase the amount of time viewers spend on your website; another added bonus. The more time that’s spent on your website, the more likely they are to purchase a product or take advantage of the services you offer.

In addition to using the video on your website, you can also use the video to gain email subscribers.

Below, you’ll find just how significant the increase in website traffic can be from a video included in an email from your business alone, by taking a look at the percentage increase below, according to several different marketing groups:

96% – In 2010, an Implix email marketing survey found that including a video in an introductory email increased the click-through rate by 96%. That’s nearly twice as many people clicking through to your website when you include a video in your marketing emails.

200% – The Forrester Marketing group surveyed businesses in 2010 and found that video did even better. When marketers included a marketing or explainer video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% to 300%.

75% – Do your email subscribers drop like flies? Eloqua, an automated email marketing provider, noted that including video in an introductory email reduced the number of subscriber opt-outs by 75%. Maintaining that contact is a vital part of establishing a relationship with prospects.

51% – One online marketer reported a 51% increase in subscriber-to-lead conversion rates when video was included in an email marketing campaign.

Website videos increases sales and leads. If you’re not taking advantage of all that video has to offer your business, feel free to contact TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh NC, to find out more information. We can also schedule a consultation to begin planning your next marketing or web video!

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