Finding Your Audience

Video Production Raleigh: Finding Your Audience

Welcome back! In our last post, our video production team in Raleigh talked a bit about finding your audience when creating a video. Whether that video is for marketing or informational purposes, it’s always important to discover, early on, who you’re talking to in the video.

Determining your audience is always the best starting point during video production in Raleigh. Without that information, the popularity of the video could be hit or miss. Pin-pointing exactly who you’re talking to allows you to be more personable, more technical, and more appealing.

Video Production Raleigh | Examples of videos that “talk to the right audience” are listed below:

  • Welcome video for new hires.
  • Demonstration video for a new vacuum cleaner your store carries.
  • Informational video, helping employees understand what’s special about your business.
  • Testimonial video about a product that targets new mothers.

With all of the emphasis being on finding your target audience when creating a video, it’s also important to understand that videos can still be used for multiple reasons, even when you target specific viewers. You can even have more than one target audience within the video. Below, you’ll find a few examples:

  • A video about volunteering services or production to a non-profit organization might also double as a promotional video to help find new volunteers and supporters. It also might help reach out to existing donors to the cause.
  • A video demonstrating your involvement in a special event or business expo might help attendees know what to expect at the event, but can double as a video for new employees. Show the video during orientation to help them understand all aspects of their job.

Identifying specific viewers, no matter how many groups of people that might be, is the most important part of creating an interesting video that viewers will watch from beginning to end.

For more information on video production in Raleigh and how to market your video, once you’ve created and filmed it, visit back with TigerHive Creative Group, soon.

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