Statistics and Facts About TV Commercial Advertising

Many people think that today’s TV isn’t as powerful in advertising than social media. However, that’s not quite true. There were many studies done in 2010 when the media deemed TV as “doomed” because of the Internet and social media. Below, you’ll find out how effective TV actually was, even when it was supposedly dying. Now, it’s still as popular and a great way to advertise.

Statistics and Facts | TV Commercial Production Raleigh NC

  • Although 56% of homes in the U.S. now have a HDTV, only 20% of TV viewing is being done in high definition, according to the Nielsen Company.
  • A study of over 8,000 people from Nielsen and Yahoo recently discovered that 86% of mobile Internet users play around on their devices (smartphones, iPads, etc.) while watching the tube.
  • Teen TV viewing is increasing at the rate of 2.5% a year, according to a recent Los Angeles Times article.
  • The LA Times article states that even if there were indications of teens watching less TV, it would take at least two decades before it significantly impacts the size of valuable TV audiences for advertisers.
  • In 2010, Apple spent an estimated $420 million on advertising. Over 90% of that budget was allocated to network television, newspapers, magazines and billboards. Less than 10% went toward digital initiatives.
  • A new survey of marketers conducted by the Association of National Advertisers has discovered that more national companies are dedicating larger portions of their ad budgets to new media.
  • The survey also finds more companies questioning the effectiveness of their new media investments.
  • 78% of companies surveyed said that they planned to spend more on new media like online ads, social networks, search engine marketing, mobile and viral video each year, moving forward.
  • According to a study done by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), in 2010, 33% of U.S. households owned a smartphone.

A new study from Innerscope Research and Fox Broadcasting Company has concluded that TV is powerful when it comes to making consumers receptive to brand messages – and it even makes online advertising more memorable.

If you’re interested in learning more about TV commercial facts and statistics, be sure to visit back with our blog, soon. We will offer more information to keep you decide where your best advertising and marketing options are!

Are you considering using TV commercial production in Raleigh NC to help grow your business to a more successful, profitable level? If so, contact us, today! TigerHive Creative Group specializes in creating effective TV commercials for those that need a change to their marketing plan.

Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your video and delivering the highest quality TV commercial production in Raleigh NC, within your budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group, to get started with your personalized, results-driven video solutions for your business.

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