Take a Look at Current Online Video Statistics!

Raleigh Video Production Statistics and How They Can Benefit You!

Welcome back! Today, our Raleigh video production team is going to finish up with a few statistics that deal with videos in email, and then offer a few examples of successful online videos and the power they have.

Video for Email | Raleigh Video Production Statistics

  • GetResponse says that from over 800,000 emails sent from GetResponse Pro accounts, emails with video received 5.6% higher open rates on average and 96.38% higher click-through rates than emails without video.
  • MarketingProfs estimate that 76% of senior marketing executives say campaigns that integrate video and email generate higher click-through rates.
  • When marketers used the word “video” in an email subject line, open rates rose 7% to 13%. (Experian 2012)

Examples of the Power of Video

  • Stacksandstacks.com reported that visitors were 144% more likely to buy a product after seeing a video of the product than those who didn’t.
  • Ice.com found that viewers who chose to view video converted at a 400% increase over those who didn’t. The site also credited video with decreasing returns by 25%.
  • Shoeline.com experienced a 44% increase in online sales conversions by using videos to showcase their products.
  • Living Direct found that videos boosted conversion and increased time on site by 9%.
  • Pegasus Lighting increased conversion by 27% with on-site video.
  • Zappos saw increases of 6% to 30% in sales for their products that had a video accompaniment.

TigerHive Creative Group | Raleigh Video Production

Raleigh video production is becoming more and more popular, as well as, more beneficial for businesses to take advantage of! The statistics don’t lie! We hope you enjoy reading our blogs with explanations on how/why video marketing can immensely help your business’s marketing efforts! For more info visit back with us, soon! Also, if you’re interested in getting started with your very own marketing video, be sure to contact us to schedule a consultation!

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