Creating a Logo in Photoshop

Are you thinking of designing a new logo for your business by using Photoshop? If so, there are a few steps to take during the overall process. Below, our Raleigh graphic designer has mapped out the entire process, beginning to end! We hope these tips help. If you need help, don’t hesitate to work with our expert design team at TigerHive Creative Group!

Creating a Logo in Photoshop | Raleigh Graphic Designer

  • Open a new Photoshop file.
  • Make sure the file is 8 by 10 wide with a resolution at 300 dpi or higher. This helps with quality of image when the logo is changed in size, after it’s been completed.
  • Select the Text Tool from the menu on the left. It will look like a “T”.
  • Change the company name to yours.
  • Work on font size, type, and color as needed, to personalize the look of your logo.
  • Create a new layer. This can be done by using the drop down menu at the top of Photoshop.
  • Each time you need a new layer, use this tool. Each step from here on out will call for a new layer.
  • Creating new layers for each step gives you the capability to move or change various elements while keeping others.
  • Each layer can be viewed on the lower right side of Photoshop. You’re able to keep up with them using this tool.

You’re on your way to creating a logo in Photoshop! If you have trouble throughout this process or need help designing, in general, feel free to contact our expert graphic designer! We are here to help! To read the final steps in this process, visit with us in our next blog post, as well! We will finish up the process and have you designing in no time at all!

TigerHive Creative Group | Raleigh Graphic Designer

If you are ready to update your Raleigh graphic design, on your website, contact TigerHive Creative Group, soon! We guarantee to boost your sales and grow your business to new levels with a logo that engages and excites! Our professional graphic design team specializes in creating effective logos and other graphics for those that need a change in their business brand and want something more.

Take a look back at the second part of this blog article, below:

  • Creating a Logo in Photoshop Part 2

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