Creating a Logo in Illustrator

If you’re thinking of designing a new logo for your business using Illustrator, you’ve come to the right place! Our Raleigh graphic design team is here to help you, every step of the way! In previous posts, we talked about creating a logo in Photoshop. Depending on your preference in software is how you’ll decide which to use. Those that prefer Illustrator will find the information below very useful! We hope these tips help. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact our expert design team at TigerHive Creative Group!

  • Choose a font that works best with your business style.
  • Type your business name in with a font size ranging from 60 to 100 pt. size.
  • Select the font >  and right-click
  • Then click on create outlines.
  • This vectorizes your font. After that, select it > right-click and then, click ungroup.
  • Now that the letters aren’t grouped, move them where you’d like them to be.
  • Design the look as you want it with more or less space between letters.
  • Then, select all letters and click unite on the pathfinder’s window.

According to, you’re able to do the following at this point in the design process:

  • Here are some sample colors used on the logo but you can also choose other colors. Indigo: C=100, M=100, Y=0, K=58; Plum: C=0, M=100, Y=15, K=60; Maroon: C=100, M=0, Y=60, K=37; Tangerine Red: C=0, M=100, Y=55, K=0; Rosy Pink: C=0, M=76, Y=38, K=0.
  • After coloring the fill and stroke of your name, place an object on the top middle your name. Rotate it 25 degrees and then later -25 degrees. Then click copy. Place the 2 objects on the top left and right side of your name.
  • You can use any shape or character that best fits your personality. If you’d like to use stars, bananas, or anything else, that’s okay.

In our next blog post, we will continue offering a step by step tutorial on how to create a logo in Illustrator! If you’d like to take a look at how to create one in Photoshop, visit the blog posts, below:

  • Creating a Logo in Photoshop Part 1
  • Creating a Logo in Photoshop Part 2

Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your business and offers the highest quality Raleigh graphic design within your budget. Contact our graphic design team to get started with your personalized, results-driven solutions for your business.

Also take a look at the next article about creating a logo in Illustrator, below:

  • Creating a Logo in Illustrator Part 2

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