Video Marketing 101

Why Raleigh NC Video Production for Your Business?

At this point, you’ve probably heard a few reasons. You’re also probably tired of hearing it! BUT, even though you have heard the story several times, our Raleigh NC video production team can’t say it enough! Video marketing is the best way to gain viewers and potential customers. It’s also the best way to make sales! Why, you ask?! We are here to tell you!

Visitors who watch product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not. 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in their online purchase decisions. Shoppers who viewed video on product pages were 144% more likely to add product to their carts than other shoppers.

Keeping things visual, by way of video, captivates your audience and produces great content. Sales ads in a newspaper or online ads can’t do this.

In addition, Raleigh video production and marketing allows you to get your current customers involved. That alone is a way to get people engaged in watching your videos.  Consider having multiple testimonial videos featuring your happy customers,  targeted at key target markets.

Do several short videos instead of one long one. People like to see a short 2 minute or less video. That is enough time for them to watch, understand, and take action without getting bored!

The beauty of using a marketing video to promote your business is that everything moves at an appealing pace. It allows you to get your customer’s attention, without the fear of losing them.

Pat Flynn, entrepreneur in North Carolina, states that “with YouTube, I can reach more people than I ever could by just sticking to written content on my blog.” His YouTube channel has over 13,000 subscribers and 1.8 million views.

TigerHive Creative Group is a leader in the Raleigh NC Video Production market. We specialize in video and creating effective video content marketing.  Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your video and delivering the highest quality video production within your budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group, to get started with your personalized, results-driven video solutions for your business.

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