40 Things a Graphic Designer Can Do For Your Business

Are you hoping to open a new business or expand your current one in 2016? If so, one of the first steps is building a brand. This includes storefront, logo, website and more. In order to ensure you make the most of your brand identity, working with a Raleigh graphic design team is key. They can do more for you than you’d ever imagine when it comes to growing your business to successful levels.

Our Raleigh Graphic Design Team Can Help!

If you’re skeptical at all about what a graphic designer can do for you, take a look at 40 different ways they can help, below!

  1. build your brand identity
  2. coordinate your brand identity
  3. coordinate your Twitter background with your brand identity
  4. create charts and graphs that convey the data
  5. explain the difference between CMYK and RGB
  6. explain the difference between PMS and CMYK colors
  7. explain when you need offset printing, and when digital printing is OK
  8. explain why updating your web site content is critical
  9. figure out the right label to print
  10. find printers who do the job right the first time
  11. find the right partners to produce our ideas. I pick out just the right color
  12. find the screen printers
  13. find the sign makers
  14. get people to take you seriously
  15. get people to take your business seriously
  16. get people to think you’re the real deal
  17. give you a competitive advantage
  18. give you the tools to maintain your own brand identity
  19. help you decide whether you should use Twitter
  20. help you define your audience
  21. help you earn respect
  22. help you expect higher prices
  23. help you grow your business
  24. help you increase money instead of wasting it
  25. help you make your point
  26. increase your email list
  27. integrate your web site with your CRM
  28. allow you to take credit card payments on your web site
  29. make each e-newsletter you send have people say “wow”
  30. make it easy for you to repurpose your content
  31. make the color look right on screen and in print. I find the right paper stock
  32. make you look approachable, smart, trust-worthy, funny, etc.
  33. make you more efficient with broadcasting your content
  34. make your book compelling to pick up
  35. make your book easy-to-read
  36. make your clients comfortable
  37. make your product look desirable
  38. make your signs helpful
  39. make your words more effective
  40. organize your words

Need more? Visit back with our next blog post where you’ll find 40 more reasons to hire a Raleigh graphic design team!

TigerHive Creative Group | Raleigh Graphic Design

If you are ready to update your Raleigh graphic design, contact TigerHive Creative Group, soon! We guarantee to boost your sales and grow your business to new levels with a logo that engages and excites! Our professional graphic design team specializes in creating effective logos and other graphics for those that need a change in their business brand and want something more.

Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your business and offers the highest quality graphic design within your budget. Contact our Raleigh graphic design team to get started with your personalized, results-driven solutions for your business.

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