Interview Video Tips

Video Production Raleigh NC: Interview Marketing Video Tips for Beginners!

Have you ever thought about making a video that actually features an interview with a customer of yours? What about interviewing an employee or someone interviewing you, the business owner, about your business?

While it’s all too common to see the interviewee talking into the camera, head on, without an interview actually taking place, it’s not the normal approach. It’s also not the professional approach.

Instead, consider having a person conduct the interview, on camera. Film both the questions being asked, as well as the answers.

There are a few tips that will help you make sure you make the most of your interview video, so that you can use it as a marketing tool to help potential customers understand why they should choose your business.

Tips | Video Production Raleigh NC

  • Always shoot the subject head-on. Never use a profile shot.
  • Even when they look away from the camera, ensure that you’re still shooting them straight forward.
  • Make sure you can look the interviewee in the eye while shooting.
  • Frame only the interviewee’s face and shoulders in the shot.
  • Have the interviewer look at the interviewee, and vice versa. They should never look directly at the camera.
  • Occasionally, zoom out and get a shot of the interviewer in the foreground.

We hope these tips help you, should you want to shoot an interview for marketing purposes! If you need help with your video, feel free to contact TigerHive Creative Group! For more tips on video production in Raleigh NC, be sure to visit back with our blog, soon!

TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh NC, specializes in creating effective video marketing for those that need a change to their marketing plan. Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your video and delivering the highest quality video production within your budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group, to get started with your personalized, results-driven video solutions for your business.

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