Mistakes That Drive Video Viewers Away

Video Production Raleigh: Mistakes That Drive Video Viewers Away

It seems like the world is crazy over watching online videos. In a perfect world, they watch the entire video, beginning to end, and then share it for others to see. For the most part, that’s true. There are however, a few shocking statistics that prove otherwise. Not everyone watches a video from beginning to end. In fact, some barely watch the beginning.

  • 50% more people watch an entire one minute video versus a two minute video.
  • Most online video viewers are likely to stop watching within the first 15 seconds of a video.

Taking the statistics into consideration, TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh, has come up with the three most common mistakes that can drive viewers away from your video before watching the entire thing. Today, we are going to share the first mistake that is commonly made.

Commonly Made Mistakes | Video Production Raleigh

Telling a story, a good story that people what to hear, starts with creating tension. Otherwise, your viewers will leave in the first 15 seconds. A video should define a problem so that you can answer why throughout the length of it. If you can’t offer viewers an answer, they’ll be less likely to 1.  Remember the video and 2. Finish watching the video. It’s important to hit your audience with a stimulating challenge that will spike their interest.

If you’re interested in learning about the second commonly made mistake that’s made when making online videos, be sure to visit back with us on our next post!

TigerHive Creative Group, video production in Raleigh, specializes in creating effective video marketing for those that need a change to their marketing plan. Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your video and delivering the highest quality video production within your budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group, to get started with your personalized, results-driven video solutions for your business.

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