What Is Video Email Marketing?

Raleigh Video Production: Video Email Marketing

Video email marketing is a way to get your marketing video out to any and all customers that are interested in your product or service. Email marketing in general is great for sending ads, business requests, sales soliciting, and anything that builds a loyal and trusted brand awareness. Including a video in your email marketing makes the overall strategy much more accepted and attention-grabbing.

Video email marketing provides all of the following to those businesses that choose to use it:

“Opt-In” List Building – what’s great about video email marketing is that the customers that receive them actually want to. They sign up for the email on their own, offering an ”opt-in” type of approval. You know that they want to receive the emails.

List Managing – With email marketing, you’re able to edit, grow, manage, and organize the database of your customer contact information.

Operation Formation – You’re able to send email videos by theme and branding, and you can also schedule them to go out when you want them to. You’re also able to send out the emails to large amounts of people at the click of one button!

Unsubscribe Features – Those that realize they don’t want to receive your emails will have the option to unsubscribe. That way, you know for a fact that those getting the videos are truly interested in what you have to sell them.

For more information on the advantages of video email marketing, be sure to visit back with our Raleigh video production team, soon!

If you need help with Raleigh video production, be sure to contact us. We guarantee to boost your sales and grow your business to new levels! Our professional Raleigh video production team specializes in creating effective video marketing for those that need a change to their marketing plan. Our talented team is dedicated to realizing the vision you have for your video and delivering the highest quality video production within your budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group, to get started with your personalized, results-driven video solutions for your business.

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