More Statistics and Facts for Videos
Event video production in Raleigh NC and online video is a great way to market your business and build a brand consumers remember forever. Don’t hesitate to contact us to start your journey into this excellent way of marketing! Check out a few facts and statistics, below!
Statistics and Facts | Event Video Production in Raleigh NC
- A quarter of higher education institutions use video as part of their admissions process (Source: The State of Video in Education 2015 – A Kaltura Report )
- Almost 1/3 of brands digital video budgets are being dedicated to branded video (Source: AoL Platforms 2015 US State of the Video Industry Report)
- By 2019 it is predicated it would take someone 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks in a single month (Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014)
- Consumer usage of View on Demand (VoD) is expected to double by 2019. (Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014)
- Consumers give up on an online video if it doesn’t load in two seconds (University of Massachusetts Amherst and Akamai Technologies)
- Every day 100 million internet users watch an online video (Digital Sherpa)
- Half of advertisers are moving budget from TV to digital video (Source: AoL Platforms 2015 US State of the Video Industry Report)
- Mobile and tablet shoppers are three times as likely to view a video as laptop or desktop users. (NPD)
- Mobile video ads that include social media buttons drive 36 percent higher engagement. (Rhythm NewMedia).
- More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month, spending more than 4 billion hours watching videos (YouTube).
- Online video now accounts for 50 percent of all mobile traffic and up to 69 percent of traffic on certain networks. (Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Report)
- Online video production will account for more than one-third of all online advertising spending within the next five years. (Borrell Associates)
- Online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion in 2016. (Cisco)
- Only about 24 percent of national brands are using online video to market to consumers. (Kantar Media)
- Users sharing video on retail and brand sites chose Facebook 46 percent of the time, with email accounting for 40 percent and Twitter capturing 14 percent of shares. (Invodo)
TigerHive Creative Group | Event Video Production in Raleigh NC
To learn more about event video production in Raleigh NC and our team at TigerHive Creative Group, contact us soon! We can get started planning your marketing video to help push product and service sales. If you are interested in getting started with your very own marketing video, be sure to contact us to schedule a consultation. TigerHive Creative Group is here to work with you to make a video that is engaging and compelling.