Raleigh NC Website Design Tip: Ecommerce is Ever Changing

Ecommerce means new business says our Raleigh NC Website Design Team!

The Ecommerce industry is constantly growing and developing and our Raleigh NC website design team keeps up with those changes so you don’t have to. As it does, digital marketers must take note of the relevant changes, in order to capitalize on the marketing trends. While the web is changing more quickly than anyone expected, it’s almost impossible as a business owner, to keep up with the latest and greatest. It’s a good idea to let your Raleigh, NC website design team, TigerHive Creative Group, keep up with the changes. We have taken a moment to gather a few essential ideas that will help your website thrive during this ever changing time.

Schema.org – According to Forbes.com, “One of the biggest pitfalls most marketers experience is only focusing on the number of visitors without taking into consideration the amount of search impressions. ‘Click-Through Rate’ is the combination of these two elements and is one of the most overlooked metrics when it comes to marketing your business online. Luckily, Google and other major search engines have introduced various protocols and technologies to improve the click-through rate of listings. One of which is the Schema.org initiative which was launched in mid-2011. You might not recognize the name, but chances are you’ve seen it in action. When searching for a product, a Schema.org enhanced result will generate more clicks by the additional information provided as a result of the mark-up. This new protocol allows search engines to improve their results pages, but more importantly, it gives marketers a powerful tool to improve their click-through rate and capture more traffic. For ecommerce websites, this is a must for all product pages.”

Google Authorship- A prominent way to improve organic search visits. Although it’s similar to number one, Google Authorship boosts appearances of blog posts within the search results. It can also improve your click-through rate. It’s a great way to attract new users and build trust before they ever speak with you.
Responsive Design- Of course, we’ve gone over responsive web design in detail. It’s safe to say that we are a firm believer in it. To read more about responsive design, visit our previous post.
Content Marketing- The phrase “you need a blog” has never been truer. Content marketing is a way to provide valuable information to your customers. It’s also a way to reach potential customers. Sadly, most businesses aren’t taking advantage of the blogging world. They’re also unaware that when done properly, content marketing can increase referral traffic and social media sharing. A process of backlinking can even increase your website’s rankings. Content marketing can increase your business. Interesting and entertaining blog posts will help engage your customers while they are at home or work.

Site Performance – It’s simple; fast websites convert better. Slow websites tend to rank lower on search engines. Potential customers will be more likely to leave your site because it’s too slow; not because they don’t like your product or service. Amazon states, “For every 100ms in load time, there is a 1% decrease in sales.”
Google started using site speed as a ranking factor in 2010. A fast website can increase your conversion rate. One might now ask, “How do I speed up my website?” That’s easy; call TigerHive Creative Group.

Our company focuses on more than Raleigh NC website design. We strive to improve your site performance and bring in more customers. For more information about TigerHive Creative Group, be sure to contact us and let our Raleigh NC website design team get started today!

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