2014 Graphic Design Trends

Our Raleigh Graphic Design Team Presents 2014 Graphic Design Trends:

In a few previous posts, we talked a lot about 2014 web design trends, as well as web design trends that are losing popularity quickly. Today, we are going to focus our thoughts on typography graphic design trends and how important it is to keep your website graphics and typography up-to-date.

2014 Graphic design trends include a few different types of typography and graphics that are a bit different than those of a few years ago.  Today we’re going to focus on one particular type.

Type-Lock Trend

This type of typography is a typical font we are all used to seeing on flyers, posters, and websites now. It’s a mix of typography that are different weights and sizes, fonts and spacing.  Type-lock incorporates all of the following:

  • The distribution of even space
  • Exact rhythm and flow
  • Keeps the eye from wandering
  • Keeps the eye reading in proper order
  • Shows off the words that have the most meaning
  • Uses a mix of different shapes and sizes, as well as mixed fonts

Sounds tricky, but type-lock typography is being used every day without any issues. There are, of course, a few websites that don’t use the typography trend in a way that accentuates its uniqueness; they don’t pull it off successfully. But, there are a few places that use this type of typography successfully.

Pinterest is full of type-lock. Used in quote form the arrows, swirls, lines, print, and scripts of type-lock are arranged and spaced differently, in order to please the eye. The quote itself might be very inspiring, but it’s the type-lock typography that gets our attention. The mix of shapes and different types of fonts that complement each other causes our eyes to become overwhelmed with excitement.

If you’d like to jump on the band-wagon and incorporate type-lock into your current web design, be sure to contact our Raleigh graphic design team to talk about your options!

Also, be sure to visit back with us in our next post, as we will continue our discussion about 2014 Raleigh graphic design trends!

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