Video Production Tips for Small Businesses Part 2

Have you been thinking of new ways to market your business? If so, the process of deciding what method to use can be difficult and stressful. You want to choose a strategy that works, sticks within a budget and shows results.

That’s why video marketing might be just the ticket for your business! It’s a popular way to market that’s growing and evolving every day! According to, “Digital technology today is a great leveler in the business world. It is so accessible, and comparatively economical, that a business owner who knows exactly what he wants to say, and to what audience, can capture market share from much bigger companies simply by being savvy.”

If you’re interested in learning about this type of marketing, you’re in the right place! In our last blog post, we offered up a few tips that will help you make your own marketing video. Below, you’ll find several more tips!

Video Production in Raleigh NC

Creativity. This is a huge part of making a video. Have fun, think outside the box and remember your audience as you make this video.  Being creative is a must and will pay off in the end!

Equipment. This can be tricky. Without professionals, you’ll most likely be using a small lighting kit, iPhone, or handheld camcorder that doesn’t have an external microphone.  If you want to up the quality, try using a GoPro or iPhone with a tripod and external mic. You’ll be surprised at the difference in sound and lighting.

Hiring Professionals. Many business owners want to think they can make video on their own. While that might be true, it most likely won’t be one that reaches the goals you’d like it to. A professional video production team in Raleigh NC can help make those goals happen. They can offer recommendations, help build your story and offer sound, lighting and editing that you won’t be able to do alone.

If you’re interested in learning more tips to help your small business make a great video, visit back with our next blog post, soon!

TigerHive Creative Group | Video Production in Raleigh NC

It’s important to remember how influential video is in today’s time. Everyone wants to watch a video. Whether it’s informational, entertaining, or educational, video is the way of the world. Don’t let your competitor beat you time and time again, because your business isn’t taking advantage of the power of video. Contact our Raleigh video production team at TigerHive Creative Group, soon! We can get started planning your marketing video to help push product and service sales!

If you are interested in getting started with your very own marketing video, be sure to contact us to schedule a consultation! TigerHive Creative Group is here to work with you to make a video that is engaging and compelling!

Visit other blogs in this series, below!

Video Production Tips for Small Businesses Part 1

Video Production Tips for Small Businesses Part 2

Video Production Tips for Small Businesses Part 3

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