Video Marketing is Key for Your Business!

Raleigh Video Production: Video Marketing is Storming the World!

By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco. Video-on-demand traffic alone will have almost tripled. Leafing through a swath of statistics on the subject, I’m hard pressed to find any indicator that doesn’t suggest rapid growth. So, essentially, if we were to fast forward to five years from now, you’d probably be watching this article, not reading it!

Today, online video has quickly become a key means for people to satisfy their information and entertainment needs. Small businesses that have yet to include videos into their current marketing strategies are behind the times.

Video is the here and now, as well as, the future of marketing. Countless studies show that more than half of all businesses are already making use of video marketing, and taking advantage of all it has to offer. In addition, the number of companies using video marketing is predicted to rise to 64% by 2015.

When it comes to possible reach, video is incomparable. YouTube obtains more than one billion unique visitors every month. 1 BILLION. Wow! Aside from Facebook, that’s more than any other website on the web. In addition to all that the U.S. contributes to online video viewing, one in three Britons view at least one online video a week; that’s a weekly audience of more than 20 million people in the UK alone.

A recent campaign from well-known vehicle company, Volkswagen, saw a trio of its videos viewed a combined 155 million times. While our Raleigh video production team understands these numbers seem out of reach for a small business without a 12-figure income, they at least validate a video’s ability to become sharable.

The bottom line? Engage viewers and they will share your video with others. They will spend a longer amount of time on your website. They will also spend more time interacting with your brand.

Raleigh Video Production | TigerHive Creative Group

For more information on video marketing and how important it is to consider taking advantage of its benefits, visit back with our Raleigh video production company, TigerHive Creative Group, on our next post!

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