De-Complicate Your Raleigh Web Design in 2014!

Raleigh Web Design Trends are Moving Towards Uncomplicated Designs in 2014!

2014 seems to be ringing in new, fun, and easy to use web design trends. It’s also marking the end of a few trends that were very popular in previous years. Even in 2013 some of the Raleigh web design trends we’ve been over in the past two posts (visit them here and here) were very popular! Below, you’ll find the final Raleigh web design trend that is making an exit in 2014.

Complicated Design

According to, “If you thought having lots of icons, design elements, fonts and features means you have an exciting and interactive site, you might be right, but the overall look is overwrought and overwhelming. As design trends move forward, they’re moving away from complex to simple for a more enjoyable browsing experience. You don’t want visitors confused or lost; you just want them to think your work is beautiful. You’re unlikely to see complicated successful websites in 2014.”

Getting rid of excess fonts, icons, and more make for a better experience for your users. You want them to visit your website and love it. You don’t want them to visit it and feel overwhelmed, confused, and irritated. If they can’t find exactly what they need, they’re more likely to leave the website without any further searching. Be sure to contact TigerHive Creative Group to talk with us about de-complicating your web design soon!

The buzz of new web design trends has our web design team excited for what’s to come. It’s also exciting to see where these new styles are coming from. As we said, though these web design trends that are making their way out in 2014 were once highly popular, it’s time for them to bow out. Those that become overly popular tend to fizzle at some point. It’s inevitable! Try looking for those new trends that might have the same fate in 2014! TigerHive Creative Group will be!

If you need help re-designing your Raleigh website design in 2014, be sure to contact our expert web designers! We’d be happy to help you get your website ready for change!

Remember, if you’d like to take a look back at some of our previous posts regarding 2014 web design trends, visit here, here, and here!

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