Creating The Perfect Logo Part One
Are you starting a business soon and need a logo? If so, congrats! Starting your own company is exciting!
Did you know that logos are one of the most important aspects of your business? It helps build your brand. Your brand is what customers recognize and expect from you.
According to entrepreneur.com, “Your logo is a visual representation of everything your company stands for. Think of McDonald’s golden arches or the Nike swoosh-these two impressive logos embody these companies well. But many companies still skimp on developing this key identity piece.”
Logos | Graphic Designer Raleigh
Make sure your images are original. If your logo consists of clip art or stock photos, you’ll probably find that another company is using the same picture, as well. Working with a graphic designer in Raleigh can help with this.
It’s doubtful you’ll ever want to change your logo. There might be some reason you have to 15 years down the road, but it isn’t likely. That’s why steering clear from what’s trendy now is key. Changing things up to keep with what’s in now will be confusing to customers. They’ll assume your company is fickle and unreliable.
According to entrepreneur.com “One thing you need to be careful of as you explore color options is cost. Your five-color logo may be gorgeous, but once it comes time to produce it on stationery, the price won’t be so attractive. Nor will it work in mediums that only allow one or two colors. Try not to exceed three colors unless you decide it’s absolutely necessary.”
Your logo can appear on a variety of media:
- Stationery
- Signage
- Packaging
- Delivery vehicles
- Advertising
The list goes on. You can use your logo anywhere you’re able to add it. That’s why coloring is so important you want to make sure it stands out on everything you use it on. This is where using a graphic designer in Raleigh can come in hand. For more information about working with a designer, visit back with our next blog post, soon.
TigerHive Creative Group | Graphic Designer Raleigh
If you are ready to update your graphic design, on your website, contact TigerHive Creative Group, soon! We guarantee to boost your sales and grow your business to new levels with a logo that engages and excites! Our professional graphic design team specializes in creating effective logos and other graphics for those that need a change in their business brand and want something more.