Web Design Mistakes

Raleigh Web Design Mistakes Business Owners Make

As our Raleigh web design experts know, not every business has a massive budget to work with when dealing with their website. However, businesses that get into the mindset that they can’t afford a good website have a problem. In today’s time, having a creative, eye-catching Raleigh web design is as important as your overall brand. Not having a website is like not having a business name.

Whether you’re a small business just starting out, or one that’s been in business for years, it’s important to understand what a website can do for you. That being said, it’s also important to know what type of mistakes can be made when dealing with your business website.

Below, you will find a few Raleigh web design mistakes that can hinder your website, and your business’s profitability, in more ways than one.

Raleigh Web Design | Mistakes

  • Was your website designed with SEO in mind? If not, you’re “dead in the water”. Without going into too much detail about a whole other animal, SEO is the only way to get your website ranked on Google. It’s important to have places for keywords, ALT-tags, headlines, and more, within your web design.
  • Is your website user-friendly and eye-catching? All too often, we see many Raleigh web designs that aren’t relevant, interesting, or easy to use. It’s important to make sure your website is one that draw users in, makes them feel welcomed, and offers unique, informative information about your business. If they can’t find what they need on your site, they’re more likely to leave just as quickly as they came.
  • Did you take time to identify your target audience before having your website designed? Having a clear understanding of your target market is essential. Is your audience younger? Try using an art inspired font with bold colors to grab their attention. Is your main target market over the age of 50? Consider incorporating larger, easy to read fonts.

Having an interesting, easy to use website is the most important part of your overall web presence. For more commonly made Raleigh web design mistakes business owners often make, be sure to visit back with us soon!

Is your Raleigh web design eye-catching and creative? If not, it might be time to consider working with TigerHive Creative Group to develop a whole new look! To ensure that your website boosts sales and helps your business grow contact us, soon!  We can work with you to create the best website for your business’s target market!


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