List of Fonts
When we think of font designs we often think websites, business cards and other business related things that go along with graphic design. While this is primarily true there are other ways to use fonts. For example, event video production in Raleigh NC uses fonts quite regularly. How? Most videos, no matter what they’re used for, events, weddings and more, have some type of written font at the beginning or the end of the production. There are often times captions are needed throughout the video, as well.
Fonts for Event Video Production in Raleigh NC
Below, you’ll find a list of the most commonly used fonts for event video production and more.
- Zurich Ex BT
- Zurich BlkEx BT
- ZapfHumnst Dm BT
- ZapfHumnst BT
- ZapfEllipt BT
- Westminster
- Verdana
- Vagabond
- Univers Condensed
- Univers
- Unicorn
- TypoUpright BT
- Tubular
- Tristan
- Trebuchet MS
- Times New Roman PS
- Times New Roman
- Times
- Tempus Sans ITC
- Teletype
- Technical
- Tahoma
- Swiss911 XCm BT
- Swis721 BlkEx BT
- Subway
- Storybook
- Steamer
- Staccato222 BT
- Souvenir Lt BT
- Socket
- Signboard
- Sherwood
- ShelleyVolante BT
- Serifa Th BT
- Serifa BT
- Sceptre
- Ribbon131 Bd BT
- Pythagoras
- PTBarnum BT
- PosterBodoni BT
- Poster
- Pickwick
- Pegasus
- OzHandicraft BT
- Onyx BT
- Old Century
- OCR A Extended
- NewsGoth BT
- News GothicMT
- MS LineDraw
- Monotype Corsiva
- Matisse ITC
- Market
- Marigold
- Lydian BT
- Lucida Sans Unicode
- Lucida Sans
- Lucida Handwriting
- Lucida Console
- Long Island
- Lithograph Light
- Lithograph
- Letter Gothic
- Korinna BT
- Kaufmann BT
- Kaufmann Bd BT
- Kabel Ult BT
- Kabel Bk BT
- Jester
- Informal011 BT
- Incised901 Lt BT
- Incised901 BT
- Incised901 Bd BT
- Impact
- Humanst521 Lt BT
- Humanst521 BT
- Humanst 521 Cn BT
- Herald
- Helvetica
- Heather
- Haettenschweiler
- GoudyOLSt BT
- GoudyHandtooled BT
- GeoSlab 703 XBd BT
- GeoSlab 703 Lt BT
- Geometr231 Lt BT
- Geometr231 Hv BT
- Geometr231 BT
- Geneva
- Garamond
- Galliard BT
- FuturaBlack BT
- Futura ZBlk BT
- Futura Md BT
- Futura Lt BT
- Futura Bk BT
- FrnkGothITC Bk BT
- Freefrm721 Blk BT
- Fransiscan
- Exotc350 Bd BT
- EngraversGothic BT
- English 111 Vivace BT
- Denmark
- Dauphin
- Cuckoo
- Courier New
- Courier
- Coronet
- Cornerstone
- CopperplGoth Bd BT
- Copperplate Gothic Light
- Copperplate Gothic Bold
- Comic Sans MS
- CloisterBlack BT
- Clarendon Condensed
- ChelthmITC Bk BT
- Chaucer
- Charter BT
- Charter Bd BT
- Charlesworth
- CG Times
- CG Omega
- Cezanne
- Century Schoolbook
- Century Gothic
- CaslonOpnface BT
- Calligrapher
- Calisto MT
- Bremen Bd BT
- Boulder
- Bookman Old Style
- Book Antiqua
- BinnerD
- BernhardMod BT
- BernhardFashion BT
- Benguiat Bk BT
- Bazooka
- BankGothic Md BT
- AvantGarde Md BT
- AvantGarde Bk BT
- Aurora Cn BT
- Arrus BT
- Arial Narrow
- Arial MT
- Arial Black
- Arial
- Antique Olive
- AmerType Md BT
- Amazone BT
- Allegro
- Albertus Medium
- Albertus Extra Bold
- Abadi MT Condensed Light
TigerHive Creative Group | Event Video Production Raleigh NC
If you need help videoing an event and want to enlist the help of professionals, be sure to contact TigerHive Creative Group, event video production in Raleigh! We are the Triangle’s #1 video production company! Our talented team is dedicated to offering the highest quality Raleigh video production for any type of budget. Contact TigerHive Creative Group for more information!