Church & Religion16 Videos

GHBC Children’s Musical
Good Hope Baptist Church (GHBC) is a special client of ours. We work closely with the good people at the Church on all their projects and graphic design, videography, website and printing needs. The projects range from designing and printing business cards and small hand-outs to developing branding and logos for adult and children events. […]
GHBC | Big Apple Adventure Tradeshow and Event Theme Graphic Design
Good Hope Baptist Church (GHBC) is a special client of ours. We work closely with the good people at the Church on all their projects and graphic design, videography, website and printing needs. The projects range from designing and printing business cards and small hand-outs to developing branding and logos for adult and children events. […]
GHBC | Missional Families
Good Hope Baptist Church is hosting an event for Families looking for guidance with raising children. “Missional Families: How to raise children and actually like it” will be a featured event for local families and anyone who would like to attend. Led by Dr. Alvin Reid, Professor of Youth and Evangelism at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. […]
GHBC | Student Ministry Branding 2013+14
Fresh new designs for Good Hope Baptist Church’s Student ministry event calendars for 2013-2014. We also designed a sleek new tri-fold brochure for mailing purposes so we came up with this fun design that opens up into a poster/fridge-worthy calendar for the kids. We really enjoy our work with Good Hope and it’s Student ministries. […]
GHBC | VBS Children’s Event Designs & Printing
Good Hope Baptist Church is once again hosting VBS for kids this year. Facing Fear! Trusting God! Through every twist, turn, and dive, Colossal Coaster World VBS will challenge kids to face their fears and trust God. There’s excitement around every curve as kids learn that God has given them a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment.
GHBC Amazing Wonders Aviation Event Theme Graphic Design
Good Hope Baptist Church (GHBC) is a special client of ours. We work closely with the Church on all their projects and graphic design, videography, website and printing needs. The projects range from designing and printing business cards and small hand-outs to developing branding and logos for adult and children events. We facilitate the design […]
GHBC Creatures of Creation Event Theme Graphic
Good Hope Baptist Church (GHBC) is a special client of ours. We work closely with the good people at the Church on all their projects and graphic design, videography, website and printing needs. The projects range from designing and printing business cards and small hand-outs to developing branding and logos for adult and children events. […]
Good Hope Student Ministry 2014 – Graphic Design
We love our friends at Good Hope Baptist Church! We’re happy to be able to provide fresh new designs for the GHBC Student ministry and their Disciple Now 2014 event. We share the passion that the leaders of the student ministry have, which is to encourage more youths to participate in church functions. We do […]
Graphic Design AWANA Ministry Program Theme
Good Hope Baptist Church is starting a program for children of the congregation as well as local area kids who want to be involved with the fun and excitement of an AWANA program. Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a […]
Graphic Design of Children’s Ministry Program
Fresh new designs for Good Hope Baptist Church’s Children’s ministry event calendars 2012-2013. We wanted to get away from the boring tri-fold brochure so we came up with this fun design that opens up into a poster/fridge-worthy calendar for the kids. We really enjoy our work with Good Hope and it’s children’s ministries. Click here to […]
Poster Design: 2013 Good Hope Easter Celebration
We have the privilege and opportunity to provide graphic design, web design, videogrpahy, print and photography services to Good Hope Baptist Church in Cary, North Carolina. We design and print all fliers, brochures, posters and banners for the events throughout the year. This is a quick design concept to promote the celebration of Easter in 2013 for […]
REgeneration Event | Raleigh Graphic Design
Raleigh Graphic Design and Event Promotions Good Hope Baptist Church presents Regeneration! REGENERATION is a bible study series, led by Chad Hatley, dedicated to helping individuals and families overcome addiction as well as offering support for people in all walks of life who have at one point or another been effected by an addiction personally […]
Sorrell’s Grove Baptist Church Signage Design and Installation
Sorrell’s Grove Baptist Church, located in Morrisville, North Carolina, came to us looking for a fresh new look and branding package for their church logo, signage, business cards, roadside banners and adjacent cemetery signage. We also did some architectural design and consulting for the interior renovation of the church.
Village of Hope Fundraising Video Production
This is a special video we did for Good Hope Baptist church in Cary, NC. In association with the World Help Foundation, Village of Hope is a project started by Good Hope Baptist Church in Africa to aid in the suffering of it’s people. We are proud to be a part of Good Hope and […]
Youth Ministry Calendar Graphic Design
Fresh new designs for Good Hope Baptist Church’s Student ministry event calendars for 2012-2013. We wanted to get away from the boring tri-fold brochure so we came up with this fun design that opens up into a poster/fridge-worthy calendar for the kids. We really enjoy our work with Good Hope and it’s Student ministries. Click here […]